
Message to Graduates

We wish you all the best as you pursue careers that will support society’s children. Schools need your talents and your sense of moral purpose in making things better through teaching. Children need your emotional and intellectual understanding, and they will benefit from your reflective use of teaching methodology. We hope that you will become leaders in an educational system that is under greater pressure than ever before. Leadership takes many forms, and it includes helping schools and society focus on what is most important. We hope that the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) vision of keeping children in the centre of the picture and being open to ideas will be part of your leadership and personal vision. Not every one of you will enter the classroom—but we know children will benefit from your chosen work.

It is inspiring to work with such gifted individuals. The Child Study & Education MA Program at JICS produces great graduates partly because it takes in great students. We hope that we can continue to make the MA program the very best match for our talented students and hope that you will be able to look back with pride at your two years with us. Congratulations as you move into this exciting and important phase of your lives.

Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) Faculty and Staff

A group photo of ICS OISE alumni. Most students are wearing a winter coat.
A group of students at OISE Convocation.

JICS Alumni Mailing List

To be added to the JICS Alumni mailing list, please contact our receptionist, Paige Lancaster, at paige.lancaster@utoronto.ca