Marcus Singleton, an educator, activist and musician, is graduating from OISE’s Master of Education program in social justice education – and heading back to school in fall, to pursue his doctorate.
Mariam Abeid spent much of her life seeking an education only to encounter one obstacle after another. Now, the mother of three is set to become an educator herself.
Excerpt: "The COVID-19 virus has changed the channel on child care. No longer a private responsibility borne largely by mothers, it is a social one vital to all those parents who make up the army of first responders in a time of crisis."
Excerpt: "COVID-19 has propelled us into a new epoch for public education. This is a chance to renew the system to meet the challenge, empowering this generation of child survivors to confront the disparities, environmental degradation and the other conditions that gave rise to the pandemic and create a more sustainable and just world."