
Visiting Scholars Funding Program

Program Overview

The OISE Visiting Scholars Funding Program helps fund visits to OISE by outstanding scholars from outside the University of Toronto. This program enriches the OISE community by supporting public talks, lectures, and classroom activities that engage OISE faculty, students, and staff. OISE faculty members may apply for funding, which the Office of the Associate Dean, Research, International & Innovation provides. The Program is intended to contribute to, but not fully fund, visits from faculty members across Canada and worldwide.

Eligible OISE faculty can apply for the following:

The Scholar in Residence Program

The Scholar in Residence Program for visits of six months or more:

  • Provides a maximum of $1,500 per application.
  • Normally funds a maximum of two Visiting Scholars per year.
  • Requires Visiting Scholars to engage in at least two activities with OISE faculty, staff and/or students during their visit (e.g., a public talk and a set of meetings with faculty and/or students).

The Short Visit Program

The Short Visit Program for visits of less than six months:

  • Provides a maximum of $1,000 per application.
  • Requires Visiting Scholars to engage in at least one activity with OISE faculty, staff and/or students during their visit (e.g., a public talk or a set of meetings with faculty and/or students).


Tenured/tenure-stream, teaching-stream, and Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) OISE faculty are eligible to apply. Sessional lecturers, seconded instructors, and contract instructors may apply in partnership with an eligible faculty member. Prospective visiting scholars are not eligible to apply.

Applicants can submit one application per term (a maximum of two per year).

  • Department pre-approval is required. Please check with your department for specific policies and procedures for accepting visiting scholars.
  • Applications submitted to sponsor Canadian citizen and permanent resident scholars must be received before candidates arrive at OISE.
  • Applications submitted to sponsor international scholars must be received before candidates arrive in Canada, and approval for funding is contingent on the candidate obtaining the appropriate work authorization and visa if required.

Application Process

Please email oise.research@utoronto.ca for an application form. Please submit the following to oise.research@utoronto.ca:

  • A completed Application Form, including a proposed budget.
  • Eligible expenses include an honorarium (maximum $500.00), travel and accommodation-related expenses, and the cost of any audio/digital recordings to benefit the OISE community.
  • Please explain how the visit will benefit the OISE community in the space provided on the form.
  • The proposed Visiting Scholar's curriculum vitae (CV).
  • An email or letter from your Department Chair indicating support for the visit.
  • For international scholars whose visits exceed five days, a copy of the invitation letter to the Visiting Scholar by the Department Chair. This letter must specify the work permit requirements that apply to the visit or state why the visit is exempt from such conditions. Your Chair should consult Jesse Sims, Director, Office of the Dean (jesse.sims@utoronto.ca), for appropriate templates. This letter may be submitted after the application is evaluated as long as the Visiting Scholar is issued the letter before entering Canada. Funding approval is conditional upon receipt of this letter and the final verification of any work or other authorizations that may be required under Canadian immigration laws.

Next Steps & Reimbursement

Due to policy and immigration considerations, only Department Chairs (not faculty sponsors) should issue formal invitations to visiting scholars. Please contact your department’s Executive Assistant for further information.

Please note that Department Business Officers must collect a copy of any work or other authorization from international visiting scholars upon arrival at OISE.

Before the funded activities, please work with your Department Communications Officer to announce the details (e.g., on OISE web pages, events calendars, and the digital lobby sign.)

After the funded activities, submit original receipts for eligible costs incurred to your Department Business Officer, copying oise.research@utoronto.ca. Receipts must be submitted no later than 90 days following the end date of the visit.