
BFEP - Practicum

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Program Pathways
BFEP: Practicum

Black Future Educators' Pathway Practicum

Black MT candidates can opt to take part of an intentional practicum (MT program requirement) that places Black teacher candidates in schools with strong teacher-leaders selected for their demonstrated commitments and skills in anti-oppression pedagogy. Additional workshops, resources and ongoing mentorship is provided. In addition to benefiting from curated supportive placements, the MT students serve as outreach ambassadors about post-secondary options in K-12 schools with diverse populations.

What our BFEP participants had to say about their experience...

"Everyone is working to support you"

BFEP made my experience in the Master of Teaching program intentional and meaningful. It was such a pleasure to learn from and build relationships with colleagues in the program, professors and scholars, and professionals within the school. Everyone is working to support you throughout your teacher candidate journey, and pour all the love you need to feel comfortable navigating school spaces as a Black-identifying educator. 
- BFEP Teacher Candidate

"The BFEP model is a wonderful opportunity for MT candidates"

As the only Black student in my Bachelor of Ed program (several years ago) and one of the only Black people (staff and students included) in the schools during my placements, I remember feeling extremely alone. Having this type of program would have made such a difficult time in my life much better. The BFEP model is a wonderful opportunity for MT candidates to be mentored and supported by someone who shares and understands their journey. The opportunity to work and learn with a Black MT has been a rewarding and enriching experience that I hope more experienced Black educators take advantage of. 
- BFEP Associate Teacher