
Pearson Airport Workers Organize to Confront Neoliberalism: Toronto Airport Workers’ Council

A group of airport workers protesting for better work conditions

Nexus Loung, 12th floor (OISE)
252 Bloor St. West
Toronto ON M5S 1V6

OISE Professor Marcelo Vieta invites you to learn about the Toronto Airport Workers' Council (TAWC)

Contract flipping, dangerous work, tens of thousands working for over 400 companies in a highly competitive environment. The Toronto Airport Workers' Council is at the frontlines of the struggle.

Meet and learn from key organizers about how TAWC is transforming the lives of workers at Pearson and inspiring similar workers' organizations for grassroots empowerment.

Pearson International Airport is Canada's largest workplace with over 50,000 workers on the front lines of neoliberalism's globalization of air travel: de-regulation, relentless cost cutting, falling wages and job security for workers across the sector.

Guest panel includes TAWC organizers, spokesperson, labour activists, frontline airport workers, and professors from York University and Brock University.

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