

Secondary (Grades 9 and up) Books

Title Author
Alexie, Sherman
Benton-Banai, Edward
Bopp, Judie and Michael
Brown, Chester
Brucac, Joseph
Carvell, Marlene
Christopher, Neil
Cornell, George L.
Culleton Mosionier, Beatrice
Dickason, Olivia Patricia and Newbigging, William
Hungry Wolf, Adolf
Kainai Board of Education
Kainai Board of Education
King, Thomas
King, Thomas
King, Thomas
Snudston, Peter and Suzuki, David
Mihesuah, Devon A.
Moore, Sabra
National Museum of the American Indians
Porter, Tom
Roberts, John
Ross, Rupert
Ross, Rupert
Solomon, Chad and Meyer, Christopher
Sterling, Shirley
Taylor, Drew Hayden
Taylor, Drew Hayden
Taylor, Drew Hayden
Tulugarjuk, Leo
Vickers, Roy Henry and Bouchard, David
Wagamese, Richard
Loyie, Larry O., Brissenden, Constance & Spear, Wayne K.
Charleyboy, Lisa & Leatherdale, Mary B.
LaBoucane-Benson, Patti
Charleyboy, Lisa & Leatherdale, Mary B.
The Kino-nda-niimi Collective
Aaron Paquette
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Richard Wagamese
Florence, Melanie
Knutsson, Catherine
King, Thomas
King, Thomas