

Oneida Language

From the website: The Oneida Language Committee formed around 1981 to respond to a growing demand for Oneida language instruction and to begin development of language resource materials. Initially the community organization was mainly self-supporting through volunteer fund raising which later was supplemented by a modest Pathways grant. In 1990, the Oneida  and Council made an agreement which allowed the Language Committee the use of the premises formerly known as Oneida No. 3 School for as long as there is an Oneida Language Program. This agreement was nullified when OLCC became a program under Council’s administration shortly thereafter. This one room schoolhouse was built in the late 1800’s and creaks with age. Council has agreed to provide a new building to house this program once funding is secured.

From the website: This site offers some tools for studying and learning the Oneida language.

From the website: The Wisconsin Oneida Language Preservation Project presents original stories and curriculum, with accompanying audio, that teaches the Wisconsin Oneida language. Materials presented here include Kindergarten Curriculum, Songs, and Stories in both English and written Oneida language. Audio files accompany these texts and provide additional instruction, allowing language learners to read and simultaneously listen to native Oneida speakers present the same material.