

Northern Food Security

From Website: "Nutrition North Canada (NNC) is a Government of Canada subsidy program to provide Northerners in isolated communities with improved access to perishable nutritious food. NNC is part of the Government of Canada’s Northern Strategy."

The Feeding My Family Facebook Group has been working hard to bring awareness to the fact that the HIGH COST OF FOOD is preventing many Northerners from living healthy, happy and productive lives. From Northern Labrador in the east, to Northern Alaska in the west, we are using this group as a forum where Northerners can come together to work toward positive change, despite the distance that separates our communities. Click  to view the Facebook page.

From Report: "The Nunavut Food Security Coalition was established to develop a long-term, ongoing, inclusive, and sustainable approach to food security in Nunavut. The Nunavut Food Security Coalition consists of seven Government of Nunavut departments or corporations and four Inuit organizations. The goal of the Nunavut Food Security Coalition is to engage a broader group of partners to determine which policies, programs, and initiatives are most likely to have a positive impact on the food security of Nunavummiut."

Aljezeera America, By Benjamin Shingler, March 27, 2014

Nunatsiaq Online, By Lisa Gregoire, November 24, 2014

Nunatsiaq Online, By Thomas Rohner, January 21, 2015

The most northerly greenhouse in North America that produces of a variety of crops in an area where fresh, economical produce is often unavailable. Based upon the success to date, it is believed that the Inuvik Community Greenhouse will serve as an effective model for other northern communities.

Started in 1992, Breakfast for Learning is Canada’s first established and one of the largest national charities dedicated to school based nutrition programs. Working to support communities in every province and territory, they help thousands of schools start and sustain nutrition programs each year. This includes breakfast, lunch and snack programs, and equipment grants to meet the demands of feeding large groups of children.

Food is much more expensive for shoppers in the Arctic. By playing this online guessing game you will see how much more expensive (primary/junior)

The Canadian Press By Steve Rennie, January 25, 2015