
Transforming Leadership Education in Healthcare with Solution-Focused Brief Coaching

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Nexus Lounge, 12th Floor, OISE
252 Bloor St. West
Toronto ON M5S 1V6

Leadership education is an integral part of organizational development  strategies in many healthcare organizations. Leadership “skills” have become highly  relevant to every healthcare professional who work with patients, students,  colleagues, or clients directly and indirectly. Its stake is high as their leadership  development may impact not only the immediate clinical practice but also  longer-term patient experience and outcomes.

Whether one has a formal title of an educator or a corporate trainer or  organizational development professional, the pressure of designing an education  program with such impact requires individual pedagogical proficiency and systemic  support for knowledge transfer and translation. More often than not, the most  scarce resource in leadership development in healthcare is time - people are busy  with very good reasons.

In this highly experiential half-day workshop, Transforming Leadership  Education in Health with Solution Focused Brief Coaching, you will learn about  three foundational building blocks for education consultation and designing with a  profoundly simple dialogic method of Brief Coaching. This is suitable for those who  are in active roles in healthcare settings with responsibilities of organizational  development, leadership education, and coaching and mentoring.

Each participant who completes the half-day workshop may continue their  project-based learning through a 6-week online Educator Development Program  offered at the Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching.

About the Speaker

Haesun Moon

Haesun Moon

Haesun Moon is a leading expert and educator on the evidence-based coaching  and the use of language in transforming workplace dialogues. A Harvard faculty  member at the Institute of Coaching (McLean Hospital Affiliate, Harvard Medical  School), she has authored both academic books and practice-oriented manuals for  dialogic intelligence including Appreciative and Relational Practices in Healthcare  through the TAOS Institute. Her academic and professional research in coaching  dialogues and pedagogy from the University of Toronto introduced a simple  coaching model, Dialogic Orientation Quadrant (DOQ), that has transformed the way  people coach and learn coaching worldwide. One of her most significant  contribution in the healthcare has been developing a dialogic algorithm for the MAiD  (Medical Assistance in Dying) process during her tenure at the Sunnybrook Health  Sciences Centre as Organizational Development & Learning Associate. As an  educator, she is currently providing faculty development and leadership learning to  interprofessional and interdisciplinary organizations worldwide. Haesun teaches at  the University of Toronto and serves as Executive Director at the Canadian Centre  for Brief Coaching. She can be reached at haesun.moon@briefcoaching.ca.

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