
Stephanie Buono

November 18, 2021
Stephanie Buono
Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Psychology & Education (DPE), Class of 2021

What are some words of wisdom you would give to a new or incoming student in your program?
Find balance where you can and enjoy the quiet moments of thought and reflection. If you are able to, carve out some time to explore opportunities that pull you in, even if you don’t know how or why they might be useful to you. Some of my most meaningful experiences in graduate school arose when I explored these unplanned and unimagined pathways.

What next?
Following my PhD defence I accepted a position in the department of data and implementation science at the University Health Network (UHN). I manage the development of a portfolio of intervention programs that aim to prevent eating disorders in youth and young adults.

I was drawn to OISE because of its reputation for being a top Canadian research institution. The mentorship of faculty and the supportive community at OISE helped me grow and develop as a scientist. My early coursework provided me with a strong foundation in statistics and the ability to critically examine scientific literature. I leaned on these skills throughout my degree to develop my program of research. I also found support and guidance in the OISE community. My mentors extended to faculty members beyond my supervisor and my peers both within and outside my lab were central to my development.

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