
Jordan McVittie

February 1, 2021
Jordan McVittie
Program: Master of Arts in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP)
Expected year of graduation: 2021

What led you to apply to APHD at OISE?
I come from a very small community about 5 hours north of Toronto. Both the town that I grew up in and my Indigenous community are in desperate need of mental health support. Waitlists for services can range from 2-3 years and travelling outside of the community to receive services is not feasible for many. I am hoping that with the education and training from the School and Clinical Child Psychology program that I will be able to help provide this much needed support one day.

What was your past work experience like?
My previous research actually looked at the relationship between hormones and human social behaviour. Specifically, for my undergraduate thesis I conducted a meta-analysis examining the relationships between baseline, dynamic and manipulated testosterone on human aggression. Although this work was extremely fascinating, I knew that going forward I wanted to engage with research that was going to have a community level impact. This is why I was very excited to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Ansloos.

Are there any past accomplishments that you would like to highlight?
Getting into the program was a massive accomplishment for me. I convinced myself that I was applying for the experience so when I found out I actually got in I couldn’t believe it. 

What is one thing you like most about your experience so far at OISE?
Definitely the connections that I have made. The relationships that I have formed within my cohort and with members of my lab are ones that I will have forever. Coming from a very small community I was nervous about moving to Toronto, but my colleagues have helped me immensely with the transition and have allowed me to have a community within such a large city.

What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
My favourite thing about this city is that there are an unlimited number of things to do. Prior to the pandemic I enjoyed discovering new neighbourhoods, restaurants and watching Leafs and Raptors games.

What does your “weekend” typically look like?
I try to get home and visit my family as much as I can. If not, I enjoy catching up on sleep, hanging out with my friends via Zoom and watching movies.

What are some of your hobbies & interests?
I really enjoy hiking, baking, playing board games and watching Netflix (I am currently watching Grey’s Anatomy for the 8th time).

What is your favorite type of cuisine?
My favourite type of cuisine is definitely Italian. I could easily eat pasta every day.

Where do you see yourself after you achieve your degree from APHD?
After I finish the MA program, I hope to continue on and get my PhD in School and Clinical Child Psychology here at OISE. My dream is to one day open my own practice or work in the school system in Northern Ontario and provide services to communities in need.

APHD Student
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