
Congratulations to Dr. Eunice Jang, APHD Interim Associate Chair, Programs!

June 14, 2023
Dr. Eunice Jang

We are excited to announce that Dr. Eunice Jang will be appointed as our Interim Associate Chair for the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development (APHD) while Dr. Abby Goldstein is away on sabbatical for the 23/24 academic year. Dr. Jang's term will begin June 30, 2023 for a 1-year term.

Dr. Jang has been a part of the OISE community since 2005 when she joined the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL), and later joined APHD in 2012.

As a former K-12 school teacher back in Korea, Dr. Jang acquired a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Educational Psychology with specializations in quantitative research, measurement and program evaluation in 2005.

At this time, Dr. Jang is primarily affiliated with the Developmental Psychology & Education program at APHD and has played various roles in the program. "I am currently leading a program evaluation pathway initiative to support students’ career development. I have taught courses related to program evaluation (APD3202), mixed methods research (APD3228), instrument design and analysis (APD1292), K-12 language assessment (APD1296), and advanced multivariate statistics (APD6001)", says Dr. Jang.

Dr. Jang plays competitive tennis for inter-county team leagues and loves to paint! One of her biggest accomplishments has been raising an amazing child as a single mother and mentoring amazing students as a supervisor.

"As an interim Associate Chair (Programs) at APHD, I am hoping to keep what Dr. Goldstein has accomplished in place until her return. I’m interested in maximizing learning opportunities for students through course offerings, professional learning opportunities (academic/career workshops), and research opportunities (TA/RA)", says Dr. Jang on her role starting June 2023.


OISE Staff
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