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October 30, 2014

The province is being challenged to make significant changes to the way education is delivered in Nova Scotia. The Minister's Panel on Education released a report Oct. 30, that contains seven themes that represent what almost 19,000 Nova Scotians said are the most important issues to improve the system.
October 27, 2014

Letter to Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities emphasizes job preparation, improved post-secondary education quality and accessibility.
October 2, 2014

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government is announcing details of the Family Choices Building Fund as part of the recently launched five-year plan to create more high-quality child care for families across the province, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross said today."
September 30, 2014

Excerpt: "Creation of the new Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: The best education systems integrate early learning activities with the formal education system. The new department will be responsible for the continuum of learning from infancy through high school. It brings together the teams that will spearhead initiatives in early childhood education, the introduction of full-day kindergarten and other advances throughout the primary, elementary and secondary systems."
September 29, 2014

2014 Mandate Letter: Education

Excerpt: "Moving Forward on Child Care and the Early Years: Building on the successful implementation of full-day kindergarten, which will be fully implemented this year. As outlined below, you will continue to work with school boards, municipalities, First Nations, child care operators and parents to modernize, stabilize and strengthen the child care system and improve oversight; Overseeing the implementation of legislative and regulatory changes through the Child Care Modernization Act, 2014, if passed."
September 26, 2014

Review of Early Learning Frameworks in Canada

Excerpt: "This overview is organized around 20 sections highlighting the process, audience, theoretical approaches, developmental areas, resources and supports for each framework. It is not intended for comparison but to showcase the rich body of work that has emerged from Canada’s early childhood sector."
September 25, 2014

Excerpt: "My government, through the department of Education and Early Childhood Development, has already started a review of regulated child-care programs. This review is focusing on the safety of children in childcare and identifying ways to make childcare more accessible and affordable for families, enhancing the quality of programming for children, and supporting staff who work with our youngest children. Recommendations from the review will be ready in the spring of 2015."
September 23, 2014

Families in Yarmouth and surrounding areas, now have access to more services and supports for young children because of the new Early Years Centre for Yarmouth Central School.
September 22, 2014

Country steps up its recruitment of international students with a goal of attracting more skilled immigrants.
September 17, 2014

Investments in early childhood guided by new early development data

Excerpt: "New data released today by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) confirms that actions the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is undertaking to support the healthy development of children in the NWT are focused on areas of greatest need. The information was collected over three years using the Early Development Instrument (EDI), a standardized method of measuring readiness to learn that is used across Canada and in several other countries."