
OISE Faculty Appointments, Tenure and Promotions

Interim Dean Normand Labrie
OISE Community

Dear OISE Community,

I am very delighted to share the announcement of two additional successful faculty searches as well as two faculty tenure and promotions.


New Faculty Appointments

I am very pleased to announce that two more of our continuing faculty searches have concluded, and that two exceptional new colleagues will be joining our faculty this academic year. This is in addition to the six new appointments that I announced in my message of June 28, 2022. I would like to thank the search committees for their expertise and diligence throughout the search process.

Adult Education for Equity in Organizations and Communities:

Dr. Hye-Su Kuk begins a tenure stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, effective January 1, 2023. Dr. Kuk recently completed a Ph.D.in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education at Penn State. Her research contributes to theories of adult education for participatory democracy, organizational dynamics of social movement and grassroots initiatives, and the potentials of nonformal education institutions in mediating social change. In her dissertation, Dr. Kuk explores how adult education activities enhancing organizational democratic participation intersect with trajectories of social movements and local governance in post-1987 South Korea. Dr. Kuk has contributed peer-reviewed articles to major adult education journals such as Adult Learning and the International Journal of Lifelong Education, and has gained valuable international research experience supporting funded research projects of faculty at Penn State University, Chungnam National University, and Seoul National University. She has advanced training in institutional ethnography and qualitative research methods, and teaching experience in the areas of lifelong learning, adult education, and social theory. In 2021, Dr. Kuk received the Distinguished Service Award from the Korean Academy of Lifelong Education.

Educational Policy in Comparative and International Contexts:

Dr. Francine Menashy begins a tenured appointment at the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, effective September 1, 2022. Dr. Menashy received her PhD in Theory and Policy Studies in Education from OISE in 2011, and in 2011-12 held a postdoctoral fellowship in OISE’s Comparative, International and Development Education Centre (CIDEC). From 2012 to 2021 she was an Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston, before moving to Brock University as an Associate Professor in 2021. Dr. Menashy’s research explores power hierarchies within global educational governance, leadership, and policy, and education in international emergency contexts. Her publication record includes the books International Aid to Education: Power Dynamics in an Era of Partnership (Columbia University, 2019) and Public Private Partnerships in Education: New Actors and Modes of Governance in a Globalising World (Edward Elgar, 2012), in addition to numerous peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, technical reports, and policy briefs. Her publications have won awards including the 2014 Outstanding Author Contribution from the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence and the 2020 Globalization & Education SIG Best Book Runner-Up from the Comparative and International Education Society. Dr. Menashy is co-editor of the journal Comparative Education Review and has served as an advisor to several global civil society organizations, UN agencies, and international financial institutions.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Kuk and Dr. Menashy on their appointments and in welcoming them to OISE!

Tenure and Promotion

I am delighted to share the news that two outstanding members of our community were recently approved for tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor:

Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos of the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development has been awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, effective July 1, 2022. Dr. Ansloos is a community health, social policy, and Indigenous studies scholar, with a global reputation for researching social and environmental dimensions of Indigenous peoples’ health, particularly in the areas of suicide, housing, harm reduction, and mental health. Dr. Ansloos holds the Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide, and is a Registered Clinical Psychologist.

Dr. Chloe Hamza of the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development has been awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, effective July 1, 2022. Dr. Hamza's research focuses on understanding stress, coping, mental health, and well-being among adolescents and young adults, with the aim of understanding pathways to self-injury and promoting student well-being in educational settings through national and international research sharing and dissemination. Dr. Hamza holds the Canada Research Chair in Stress and Coping in Postsecondary Contexts, and is the Director of the Coping, Affect & Resilience in Education (CARE) Lab.

Please join me in congratulating both of these exceptional faculty members on their well-deserved achievement! I would also like to thank the members of the 2021-22 tenure committees for their important work. 



Normand Labrie, Ph.D., FRSC
Professor and Interim Dean